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Does My Dog Need Puppy School?

Puppy with chew toy

from the Gumtree Team

20 Jul 2023 7 mins read

Welcoming a new puppy into your life brings joy and responsibility. As a pet owner, you have the opportunity to shape your puppy into a well-rounded canine companion. Puppy school is one such avenue to consider as you embark on this journey, providing a structured environment where your furry friend can learn essential skills and socialise with other dogs. However, it’s important to remember that puppy school is just one option among many. So, is puppy school right for you and your furry friend?

The Importance of Puppy School

What is puppy school?

Puppy school is a specialised puppy training program designed to give young dogs a solid foundation in essential skills, behaviours, and socialisation. It provides a safe and controlled environment for your puppy to interact with other dogs and learn valuable life skills.

Benefits of puppy school for your dog’s development

  • Socialisation skills: Puppy preschool classes offer a unique opportunity for your furry friend to socialise with other dogs, humans, and various environments. Early socialisation is crucial for preventing behavioural issues and fostering a well-rounded adult dog.
  • Basic obedience training: Puppy school teaches fundamental commands like sit, stay, and recall. These skills lay the groundwork for future training and ensure a well-behaved and obedient dog.
  • Communication skills: Learning to interpret canine body language and cues is vital for building strong bonds and preventing misunderstandings between you and your furry companion.

Addressing common misconceptions about puppy school

  • Expense and time commitment: While enrolling in puppy school requires an investment of time and money, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Think of it as an investment in your dog’s future wellbeing and behaviour.
  • Myths about training effectiveness: Some may question the effectiveness of puppy school, believing that dogs can be trained at home. However, professional guidance and structured socialisation provided in puppy school greatly enhance the learning process for your pup.

Should I Enrol my Dog in Puppy School?

Deciding whether to enrol your dog in puppy school is a common question for many dog owners. Puppy school can provide numerous benefits for both you and your furry friend. It offers a structured environment where your puppy can learn essential obedience skills and socialise with other dogs. Professional trainers provide guidance and expertise to address common behaviour issues and teach proper manners. Alternatively, some dog owners may opt for alternative training methods such as home training or online courses. Before making a decision, we recommend weighing up the options, considering your needs, your lifestyle, and your puppy. If you’re searching for a new pet, make sure to check out Gumtree.

Factors to Consider Puppy School Alternate Training Options
Obedience Training
Communication Skills
May vary
Qualified Guidance
Socialisation Opportunities
Individual Attention
High (Private sessions)

When Should You Enrol Your Dog in Puppy School?

Ideal age for starting puppy school

Puppies should ideally start puppy school between 8 and 16 weeks of age when they are most receptive to learning and socialisation. However, consult with your veterinarian to ensure your pup is up to date on vaccinations before attending any group training sessions.

Factors to consider before enrolling

  1. Vaccination requirements: To protect your puppy and other attendees, ensure that your pup has received the necessary vaccinations before attending puppy school
  2. Physical and emotional readiness: Assess your puppy’s readiness for training based on their energy levels, ability to focus, and overall health. It’s important to avoid overwhelming them
  3. Breed-specific considerations: Certain breeds may have specific needs or temperaments that could affect their training experience. Research and consult with professionals to understand any breed-specific requirements.

Choosing the Right Puppy School

Start by researching reputable puppy schools in your area. Seek recommendations from veterinarians, trusted friends, or online pet communities. Take the time to visit and observe potential schools before making a decision. When looking for a puppy school, consider the following:

  1. Qualified trainers and staff. Ensure that your puppy school trainer has relevant certifications and experience working with puppies. Knowledgeable and compassionate trainers are key to a successful learning environment.
  2. Class size and structure. Smaller class sizes allow for more individual attention and better supervision. Look for schools that limit the number of puppies per class.
  3. Training methods used. Positive reinforcement-based training methods are widely regarded as the most effective and humane. Avoid schools that rely on harsh or outdated techniques.
  4. Training facilities and environment. Check if the training facilities are clean, safe, and provide appropriate spaces for socialisation and learning.

What to Expect in Puppy School

Puppy school curriculums often cover:

  • Socialisation exercises and playtime with other puppies.
  • Basic obedience training, including commands like sit, stay, and recall.
  • Introduction to leash walking, crate and toilet training.
  • Handling exercises to prepare your puppy for grooming and veterinary visits.
  • Discussions on puppy care, nutrition, and common behavioural issues.
Puppy with a collar laying on grass

Supplementing Puppy School with At-Home Training

Importance of consistency and reinforcement

Though puppy school can serve as a foundation, training should still continue at home. Consistency and reinforcement are crucial in solidifying your pup’s training and behaviours. Practice commands, reinforce positive behaviours, and provide mental and physical stimulation on a daily basis.

Tips for reinforcing training at home

Set aside dedicated training sessions each day.

  • Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats, praise, and rewards.
  • Keep training sessions short and enjoyable to maintain your pup’s interest and focus.
  • Be patient and consistent, understanding that learning takes time.
  • Integrate training into your daily routines by incorporating commands during mealtimes, walks, and play sessions. Consistency in reinforcing desired behaviours will help your pup generalise their training across various situations.

Alternatives to Puppy School

Private training sessions

If puppy school isn’t feasible or preferred, consider private training sessions. Working one-on-one with a professional trainer can cater to your specific needs and address any unique challenges your puppy may have.

Online training resources and courses

Online training resources and courses provide convenience and flexibility. However, they may not offer the same level of socialisation and hands-on guidance as puppy school or private training. Consider using them as supplementary tools rather than sole alternatives.

The Path to a Well-Behaved Companion

Investing in your dog’s development through puppy school is a wise choice. It sets the stage for a well-socialised, obedient, and happy canine companion. By enrolling your pup in puppy school, you’re providing them with the skills and confidence to navigate the world around them. Remember, choosing the right puppy school is crucial. Take your time to research and visit various options, ensuring that the trainers, facilities, and dog training methods align with your expectations and values. On Gumtree, make sure to check out our resources about pet advice to keep you up-to-date. is issued by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd ABN 78 090 584 473, AFSL 241436, is arranged and administered by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 95 075 949 923, AFSL 420183 (PetSure) and is promoted and distributed by PetSure’s Authorised Representatives (AR) Pet Insurance Pty Ltd ABN 38 607 160 930, AR 1234944 and Gumtree AU Pty Ltd ABN 33 616 996 840, AR 1304608. Any advice provided is general only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to ensure this product meets your needs before purchasing. PDS and Target Market Determination available at